Planning is the key factor in all transactions involving land and buildings and is our core business.
Our company has the ability to bring innovative solutions to complex planning problems.
Planning is often a key factor in all transactions involving land and buildings and gaining permission is crucial to a sites value.
With the economic challenges that we are now facing, combined with the constant evolving nature and increase in complexity of the planning system, we recognise the importance of providing our clients with clear, up to date, commercially astute advice in addition to effective development solutions and strategies that minimise their exposure to costs and risk.
We are supported by a range of technical consultants who we regularly work with and are happy to recommend in order to provide you with a comprehensive service which addresses all aspects of the development proposals. This includes architects, highways consultants, ecologists, surveyors and many more.
Planning is the key factor in all transactions involving land and buildings and is our core business.
Our company has the ability to bring innovative solutions to complex planning problems.
Planning is often a key factor in all transactions involving land and buildings and gaining permission is crucial to a sites value.
With the economic challenges that we are now facing, combined with the constant evolving nature and increase in complexity of the planning system, we recognise the importance of providing our clients with clear, up to date, commercially astute advice in addition to effective development solutions and strategies that minimise their exposure to costs and risk.
We are supported by a range of technical consultants who we regularly work with and are happy to recommend in order to provide you with a comprehensive service which addresses all aspects of the development proposals. This includes architects, highways consultants, ecologists, surveyors and many more.
Site Finding
We are able to identify realistic and deliverable development sites.
We have extensive experience in finding development opportunities. By applying planning knowledge as well as a commercial understanding we are able to identify realistic and deliverable development opportunities for a wide range of land uses.
Strategy and Pre-Application Advice
We offer clear realistic guidance and commercial advice.
To maximise the chances of obtaining a good planning permission, it is important to adopt the right strategy as well as engage and manage the right professional team. Through this approach we are able to identify clear recommendations to establish the best way forward.
Pre-Application Services
We can represent you in any pre application discussion with the Local Authority.
Whilst we can advise on likely success of a planning proposal, to manage risk it can be beneficial to engage in pre-application discussions with a Local Authority to gain an informal view of how a proposal may be received.
Planning Applications
We provide a project coordination role to prepare and submit applications and handle planning appeals.
We prepare and submit planning applications of all types. We are committed to follow best-practice guidelines for the submission of planning applications, saving time, and money for clients and helping local authorities to process applications as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Planning Appeals
We seek to avoid unnecessary and costly planning appeals through successfully negotiating planning permissions.
However, when the submission of an appeal becomes necessary, we can provide sensible advice on the way forward, coordinate the project team, appoint and instruct a Counsel, prepare proofs of evidence and provide expert witnesses.
Specialist Planning Reports
We prepare Planning Statements, Five Year Housing Land Assessments and Need Assessments to justify development proposal.
Local Plan Representations
We seek to influence emerging planning policies within the context of a plan led system.
Planning decisions must be made with reference to Development Plans and the National Planning Policy Framework. We advise clients on the implication of change to planning policies and review emerging policies and make representation to local planning authorities to shape policies that best meet the client’s objectives.
Masterplanning Project Management
We have experience in preparing large scale Masterplans.
We can provide comprehensive strategies that involve bringing together a range of land uses, urban design and associated infrastructure to create an overarching framework to ensure that large scale and complex sites are brought forward in a coordinated and deliverable manner.
Public Consultation / Community Engagement
We have the capability to organise public consultation events.
With emphasis on engagement with local communities and other stakeholders as early as possible in the development project, engagement can take many different forms and we understand the sensitivities and subtleties relating to each project so that we can tailor the engagement process accordingly.
Strategic Land Promotion
We have the expertise to handle the promotion of large scale development opportunities that may come forward in the medium to long term.
Planning Enforcement
We can advise on the best strategy should you be faced with an enforcement/planning breach situation.
Planning enforcement is often complex and early intervention and negotiation can resolve a situation quickly and efficiently.